Saturday 26 November 2011

HW 2.2 Does Nessie exist?

Nessie, True or False?

Many have heard of the legend of the loch ness monster Nessie. And there were a lot of evidence regarding about it. It lives in the lake of Scotland. What I think is that it could be possible that the creature could actually exist. There are a lot of reasons why but mainly there are two. One is that there is real evidence. There are people that saw it and there are pictures taken about it. Although some are fake and operated there are some that are real. The second one is that the information is very detailed. Here is one of the happenings of when Mr. and Mrs. Spicer saw Nessie. On the 22nd of July 1933 a most extraordinary thing happened, so extraordinary it taxed the imagination of even the most confirmed believers. Driving down the narrow road, early one morning, between the village of Dores and Inverfarigaig, Mr. Spicer and his wife saw 'a most extraordinary form of animal' crossing the road ahead ; which at this point lay some 20 yards from the water. First a long neck appeared, undulating rapidly, forming a number of arches. It was a little thicker than an elephant’s trunk and stretched the width of the road and behind it a huge ponderous body, lurched againly towards the Loch. In seconds it crossed the road, and disappeared through the bushes out of sight. The Spicers ; at first some 200 yards distant, accelerated towards it, but when they arrived there was nothing to see, just a gap in the undergrowth through which the creature must of passed. They heard no splash, but the noise of the car engine might well of drowned it ; neither did they see any limbs, but the creature's lower extremities were obscured by a dip in the road, which at this place was some 10-12ft in width. The animal’s body was about 4ft high and together with the neck, about 25ft in length. Staggered and curiously repelledby what they had seen the Spicers withstood the barrage of questions levelled at them after the event by various interested people. This is why I think and the believers think the Nessie is existing. Because of real evidence.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Where could Remy get his information from for this article?

Google, yahoo, books, people, science websites, youtube.

How can Remy use the internet to find what he wants?

He can go to searching websites like google, yahoo, spezify, wikipedia.

Why has Remy got over 2 million results? Why are some of the websites he has found not relevant? How could Remy improve the results?

Because it will search for everything with the words he typed in, in the searching website. He can also use more specific words.

Can Remy trust the information? Why might it be unreliable?

He can’t trust all the information because some might be written by people that doesn’t actually know about the subject. That’s why you can ask people in real life.

What software should Remy use? What should he do before he starts using the software?

He should make sketch of the magazine article and have written down the important information.

How can Remy design and write the article so that it will appeal to Remy’s readers

He should write it down in colorful letters and backgrounds and pictures and different if he is writing the article to teenagers.